23 Gennaio 2025
Home Dietro l’arresto di Ratko Mladic (Ратко Младић), “Il boia” di Srebrenica, una taglia da 10milioni di euro?

1 thought on “Dietro l’arresto di Ratko Mladic (Ратко Младић), “Il boia” di Srebrenica, una taglia da 10milioni di euro?

  1. Utterly beyond rorpeach seems a curious term.For the ICC to be in any way whatsoever honest they would have to be transprently treatung all sides honestly.For example there is no possible doubt that almost all NATO leaders were involved in the war against Yugoslavia; that, unlike anything any Serbs did) this was an aggressive and hence criminal war; that they are also criminally liable for the ethnic cleansing of 350,000 people after NATO occupied Kosovo; ditto for the sexual enslavement of children kidnapped by NATO police; ditto for the dissection of 1,800 people, while still alive, to steal their body organs.If thye ICC is in any remotest degree whatsoever something other than wholly corrupt and racist theyn must have already brought Clinton, Blair and many thousands of others to trial, found them guilty, and imprisoned the scum for life.I must have missed that.The writer also owes an apology to Radko Mladic for saying he committed murder, unless he has some irefutable evidence something the court trying him certainly has not. Has he, indeed, any evidence whatsoever that Mladic has done anything 1,000th as evil as the obscene, racist, child raping, genocidal, cannibalistc Nazi Miliband brothers?

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