Carisa Frisby, dedica un altro articolo alla guerra in Libia, che vuol essere l’introduzione ad una serie di altri articoli, dai quali avremo modo di capire cosa pensano i semplici cittadini americani di questa guerra che rischia di coinvolgere gli Stati Uniti, ma anche le opinioni che dell’evento bellico hanno militari statunitensi che già in passato hanno partecipato a missioni all’estero.
Ancora una volta, lo scritto della nostra opinionista lo pubblichiamo in inglese, visto che non sono pochi i lettori che ci seguono da oltreconfine.
The oil-rich nation of Libya in North Africa is still in a sort of civil war after months of unrest between Colonel Qaddafi and his loyalists and rebels trying to oust the leader from his position.
The United States took military action against Qaddafi which has helped the rebels gain control and force Qaddafi and his troops back. President Barrack Obama defends his actions saying that it is in the national interest of the United States to stop a potential massacre. During a video conference between leaders of the United States, France, Germany and Great Britain, different options were discussed about how to proceed to remove Qaddafi from power. There is a debate going on with the Obama administration about whether or not to supply the rebels with weapons. Some Americans fear it will only deepen the involvement of the United States in another country’s civil war.
Libya’s foreign minister defected to London recently, dealing another blow to Qaddafi and his forces. However they retaliated by capturing his wife and interrogating her. In the mean time the rebels are taking hold of valuable oil towns thus increasing the likely hood of Qaddafi losing power.
Television news in the United States today reported that Qaddafi’s son was discussing a cease fire and surrender. However other reports state that Qaddafi has rejected a cease fire stating that civilian casualties are a price worth paying. It is also rumored that the Central Intelligence Agency has inserted clandestine operatives into Libya to gather intelligence for military air strikes.
It’s hard to know what is actually happening without being there. There are conflicting reports coming from all sorts of different sources. I would like to think that the United States and Europe as well as the United Nations Security Counsel have Qaddafi on the run and ready to resign. But the man has stated that he would rather die as a martyr than give up power. He is willing to take innocent people out in his attempt to maintain control, thus enforcing people’s opinion that he needs to be removed. With his willingness to die as a martyr, what is stopping someone from making that happen?
Carisa Frisby