Carisa Frisby, laureanda in Comunicazione e Giornalismo presso la Kaplan University, nello Stato dell’Arizona (U.S.A), con questo suo articolo di opinione, apre ad un nuovo momento di arricchimento del nostro giornale., offrirà a breve ai lettori una rubrica in lingua inglese, curata da Carisa, che ha accettato di buon grado di affrontare vicende politiche e di attualità che riguardano il nostro Paese, offrendoci l’opinione di chi vede l’Italia dall’estero.
In attesa di creare la nuova rubrica, abbiamo ritenuto, vista anche la grande attualità dell’argomento, di pubblicare questo primo articolo che ha per oggetto il nostro Presidente del Consiglio, Silvio Berlusconi .
La Frisby, interviene nel merito dello scandalo sessuale nel quale è coinvolto Berlusconi, che ha attirato l’attenzione dei media mondiali, e che le ha ricordato un altro scandalo, la vicenda Clinton/Lewinsky.
Un’attenta analisi delle differenze che ci sono tra i due scandali (Clinton non pagò la Lewinsky che era maggiorenne), alla quale si aggiunge l‘opinione in merito alle battute inappropriate nei riguardi delle donne, degli ebrei e degli omosessuali, che lo hanno portato ad essere visto come un “clown playboy” che sta perdendo credibilità tra la gente del suo paese così come gli altri. .
In light of the Silvio Berlusconi scandal that has attracted the attention of the world media; I am reminded of another scandal here in my home country of the United States. In 1998 President Bill Clinton had sex with intern Monica Lewinsky. The difference is Clinton did not pay her and Lewinsky was of legal age. Regardless of whether the relations were paid or not, consensual and with someone of legal age, it is abuse of power and is not justifiable for any person let alone someone with such great political power.
Berlusconi for years has been scrutinized for inappropriate remarks and behavior. He makes anti-Semitic and homophobic remarks as well as inappropriate jokes about women. He clearly has no respect for women beyond how they look. Even his wife demanded public apologies for his inappropriate actions.
I can not recall good press on Berlusconi unless there was a recent scandal he was covering up. He has been accused of fraud and pursuing his own personal interests at the expense of Italy. He uses his power for his own personal gain whether it is his personal life, business interests or interests of close friends. While Italy’s economy, as well as the rest of the world’s, is in decline, Berlusconi seems to be doing better financial and making business arrangements to profit himself and his friends. He seems to only show concern for his country when trying to distract from the bad publicity he is getting.
Unfortunately he hasn’t been gaining much respect with the other leaders of the world. His inappropriate jokes and comments don’t stop with Jews and gays. He is viewed by many as a clown and playboy and is losing credibility among the people of his own country as well as others.
The people of the United States of America took the accusations of Clinton seriously enough to send him to trial on several occasions. It has been common thought that Italians overlooked such indecencies in the past but the recent actions have proven otherwise. It is nice to see that the Italian people do take these actions seriously.
Carisa Frisby
What worries me about Berlusconi isn’t his love affairs with women, more or less wores, but his attempts at destroying what still remains in my country, which resembles democracy. He, together with all the court of laissez-faire thinkers, both of the right and the left side, are trying to destroy the basic idea of a society founded on solidarity among social groups to establish a society based on competition, cinicism, the jungle law. As anyone can easily understand such a society can’t foresee any shelter and support for the weak. It is the triumph of the worst sides of man, as an uneducated savage.
To keep on telling about the Premier’s sex affairs is a way to exalt him as a macho and hide his heavy reposnibilities as a politician and head of the government.
But maybe more than one of the so called critics of Berlusconi aims exactly at hiding the ideal, cultural and moral foundations which make him be what he is: the tip of the iceberg of an unsound idea of man and State.
I think your comment is very true. The more people talk about his affairs the more they are exulting him. Thank you very much for pointing that out! I respect the love you have for your country.
Thank you for your comment!