If the imagination is the side of the mind where we manage to transpose all our being, then we have to find – between all these imagined ideas – the one that most deepely relates with our own soul.
Do follow me in this brief, but deep, scenario.
It is a winter day.
It is cold outside. Dark clouds are gathering on the orizon.
Far away one can see the bright lightnings and hear their distant thundering.
You get close to the window since we humans like to peek at the clouds.
Pherhaps you are seaching for the God many speak about (but this one is another story…).
Your face almost touches the window glass when raining begins.
The first drops touch the wooden frame and break in front of your very eyes.
While you realize that the sudden wetting has already modifed the landscape all around, you witness an extraordinary fenomenon offered by nature.
A drop of water glides on the window pane and your vision becomes hypnotized by his path.
This tiny overflowing river, at a certain point on his path, divides itself in two even smaller drops that even so do not slow down their descent.
They chase, they follow each other, they cross, playing, untill losing themselves in to a shared trickle.
Suddenly you feel that this vision is not a new one.
You have no doubt that you have lived already what you have seen.
This is not because you have, on other occasions, seen raining on the window.
That sequence – exactly the same – you’ve lived it already just as it happened.
The neurologists call this phenomenon “deja vu” an easy explanation about a singular, but exquisitely human, disturbance of memory.
The event, for the philosophers of ancient Greece, was proof that all knowledge is merely a memory coming from the place where we were before being born on this earth.
As I do not wish to mix ideas I shall be synthetic on matters that puzzled philosophers for more than 2000 years.
It seems that all our kwowledge is a common inheritance of our souls and that is up to us to awaken (that soul and that awareness) through a necessary process that, starting from sensorial acquired impressions, will guide us back to the sphere of ideas.
The awakening happens when a photographic image is projected in areas where our mind remembers to have dwelt.
Just like two drops of water that, at the end lof their path, find themselves in the instantaneous intense irresistible strenght of ther embrace…
Lorenzo Matassa
(traduzione di Mario Pirri ©)